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22 November 2021 - 3 December 2021
Kraków, Poland
Life Science Open Space The Open Innovation Forum 2021

Call for Presentations

Choose one of the sessions that interest you and send us your application.

Presentations in thematic sessions expected by the participants of LSOS'21 concern cooperation within innovative research and business projects. Due to their nature, we refer to them as "Collaboration Offers".

Briefly - in ten minutes- the conditions, assumptions and needs are presented in a way that makes it easier for public to find out about the nature of the project and assess whether it is worth talking about the details directly with the author of the presentation. All registered participants can make contact and arrange a 1: 1 meeting through the B2Match partnering system. This system will function before the event, during it and for two weeks after its end.

We accept submissions of presentations in the form of an abstract, using the form appropriate for the selected session. The final program is created in cooperation with the Session Leader who participates in the evaluation of the submitted abstracts.

The presentations are selected for the session, provided that they are in line with the objectives of the event and they are assessed in terms of quality. Abstracts qualified for presentation are promoted on social media and through the Google Adwords campaign in order to increase their reach and impact. Authors of abstracts are invited to prepare a presentation and to register free of charge as a LSOS'21 Speaker.

The cooperation offers are divided into three categories that pre-define the purpose and nature of the presentation:

    An option for those working on an innovative project, who want to recruit a high quality partner - people, teams, institutions able to support the project or increase its value through unique competences, technology, know-how.
    A proposal for those who prepare premiere demonstrations of new products and services, as well as presentations of the goals and results of projects financed from public and private funds. DEMO is also an opportunity to reach selected target groups with information, as well as an opportunity to show and test new solutions and gather stakeholders and feedback. The DEMO presentation can be combined with the stand open in the exhibition part throughout the duration of the event.
    A proposal for companies and institutions that during their activities deal with issues that are important to them, which require a creative solution, a new approach or unique competences, and justify looking for a solution outside their own organization. Being open to outer ideas is beneficial for many reasons, one of the most important being exclusive access and the ability to choose from a variety of solutions - some of which will suggest a new mindset for how you define the problem. The process of defining the challenge and the presentation at LSOS is prepared in cooperation with the LifeScience Krakow Cluster, which then pilot the project according to the schedule and participates in the evaluation of the submitted proposals.

General principles of cooperation:

  • We accept the initial CHALLENGE proposal via the FORM.
  • Together, we determine the details and rules of cooperation, including the competition rules and legal aspects regarding confidentiality of information (Challenge Programme and Partnership Agreement).
  • Before the LSOS event: we are launching an information campaign announcing the CHALLENGE - we inform about the topic, the Partner and the general rules of participation.
  • During LSOS, Partner presents the context and then presents the details of the CHALLENGE as the problem they are interested in solving.
  • After the LSOS event: the full text and conditions of the challenge are promoted in the media of Klaster LifeScience Krakow, including on the website www.lifescience.pl, according to the agreed schedule.
  • The competition is adjudicated during an official event organized by the Cluster in cooperation with the Partner.
  • The Cluster helps and mediates the implementation of the project, including intermediary in contacts between the parties, accepts and collects proposed solutions, and cares for the quality of relations, transparency and legal standards.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for the 2nd round of submission of abstracts: 31.11.2021 inclusive.
  • Information on the selection of offers for presentation during LSOS 2021 will be sent on an ongoing basis - no later than 02/11/2021.
  • The authors of the selected offers will be asked to send their presentation in .ppt or .pptx format by November 15, 2021.
Closed since 25 November 2021
Organised by
Participants 258
Meetings 135
Poland 239
United Kingdom 8
Germany 4
Canada 1
Serbia 1
France 1
Belgium 1
Estonia 1
Ireland 1
Belarus 1
Total 258
University 66
Small and Mid-size Enterprise (SMEs) 35
Authority/Government 28
StartUp 26
Other 23
R&D Institution 22
Industry 22
Non-Government Organization (NGO) 22
Cluster 7
Venture capital 6
Total 257
Profile views
Before event 1910
After event 231
Total 2141