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22 November 2021 - 3 December 2021
Kraków, Poland
Life Science Open Space The Open Innovation Forum 2021

On Innovations and Challenges
in the field of Health and Quality of Life

22 November 22 - 3 December 2021

Life Science Open Space 2021 is the international forum for cooperation among life science professionals. It’s the event for scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs, doctors, innovation brokers, investors, and officials – all, who share a commitment and drive for cooperation in developing joined projects, solving problems or facing up challenges related to innovation for health and quality of life ...


Program LSOS'21

Thematic and Business online Sessions - broadcast from the LSOS'21 studio via the B2Match virtual platform.

Five Thematic Sessions

Including expert’s panels about trend analysis, technology assessments, challenges and other issues, as well as short, TED-like presentations, focused on cooperation opportunities, projects and challenges.

Three Business Sessions

Including discussions with innovation experts from the industry, VCs and accelerators, who will analyze, trends, present solutions and pitch for partners or money.


An opportunity to virtually meet face to face with all registered participants of the Event (including speakers): potential partners, investors, users and employers or employees. The B2Match platform, supporting arrangement and execution of meetings, is available to registered participants for two weeks (Nov 22nd - Dec 3rd).
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An opportunity to open your own meeting room and invite stakeholders to private talks and presentations (option available to LifeScience Krakow Partners).

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An opportunity to present an individual offering of products and services. The offer is visible on the LSOS’21 event platform for 12 months and can be searched and viewed also by targets not participating in the conference.
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Cluster Xchange Program
The ClusterXchange Program offers financial support for SMEs from EU to visit LifeScience Krakow in conjunction with LSOS’21 and benefit from cross-sectoral and international cooperation, learning, and networking in the health sector. In particular, visitors can meet businesses and organisations of choice from the LifeScience Krakow Cluster. For the details, go to the description of EU sponsored projects CE4BIG and CELIS.


This event was supported by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
Closed since 25 November 2021
Organised by
Participants 258
Meetings 135
Poland 239
United Kingdom 8
Germany 4
Canada 1
Serbia 1
France 1
Belgium 1
Estonia 1
Ireland 1
Belarus 1
Total 258
University 66
Small and Mid-size Enterprise (SMEs) 35
Authority/Government 28
StartUp 26
Other 23
R&D Institution 22
Industry 22
Non-Government Organization (NGO) 22
Cluster 7
Venture capital 6
Total 257
Profile views
Before event 1910
After event 231
Total 2141